Logo for  Fibrex LLC - Fibreglass Reinforced Cement Products Suppliers in Metabo
Near NPCC, MW 5, MussafahAbu Dhabi462
New Indl AreaAjman1651
About Fibreglass Reinforced Cement Products

Many industries manufacture fibreglass reinforced cement products in Metabo . There are many different types of reinforced cement products which includes natural fibre reinforced concrete, polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete, asbestos fibres and carbon fibres. These fibres have been used for generations now even though technology has advanced a lot. The glass fibre reinforced concrete has been one of the most commonly used concrete reinforcement products. With different types of fibreglass being available, each product has a different purpose. The difference is quality and purpose for which it is used is also a big factor that determines the need for various cement products.

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