Logo for  Bizlaw Legal Services - Trademark Registration Suppliers in Khalifa City
105, Al Rigga Building, Abu Backer Al Siddique Road, Near Clock Tower, DeiraDubai41455
Hilal Bank Building, Near Al Tawar Centre, Al QusaisDubai237704
Qusais Plaza Building, QusaisDubai97755
1403, Al Reem Tower, Al Maktoum St, DeiraDubai82315
About Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration in UAE

You can create your own trademark for your service or product. A trademark can be word, letters in specific form, image, signature, seal or few other things as approved by Goverment of UAE. Trademark will show the quality and uniqueness of your product/service which will create a trust and loyalty amoung your customers. Others can take advantage of your trademark by faking like your service. To protect youself from being exploted and protect customers being cheated with desceptive service/product, registering a trademark is very much required. The process of registering your brand name or logo with the United Arab Emirates Goverment can take like 3-6 month. Before applying, please to make sure your trademark looks unique from the already existing tradmarks in all ways.

There are several benefits by registering your intellectual properties like trademark, logo, patent. It protect the trademark holder from unfair trademark usage. Under suitable circumstances, your brand can be valued even in monetary terms and you can pledge your intellectual property against bank loan. With a trademark, its easy to spread across different nations. With these advantages and others, its surly a great investment to spend on brands registration, trademark registration, logo registration and patent registration.

Trademark registration is the registration of the brand name, logo, name, any word, phrase or combination of all these referring to a product or service. That plays a vital role in the business place as it distinguishes from competitors and brings an identity among the clients. Listed here are the leading trademark registration companies operating in UAE. Trademarks are generally for registering the products, whereas service marks are for the services. UAE laws have taken the best step to prevent the impingement of trademark usage. There are different types of trademark registration available and involves many procedures. Documents are the most essential hence multiple records need to be submitted to gain trademark rights for products. Some of them include the applicant's name and address, state or the country incorporation, trademark description, representation of trademark, power of attorney, statement of intention, filing fee etc.

Trademark registration in UAE involves an examination of the absolute and relative grounds in the UAE trademark journals and Arabic Daily newspaper. There are five most important steps required to register a trademark. The first step is to download the application from the website and fill it out. The second step includes a collection of trademark design followed by the confirmation of the official payment, trading license, power of attorney, good and services that needs to be protected, ID, passport and contact details of the applicant. Listed here are the top trademark registration companies in UAE.

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