Solar Panels - 5 Things you should be knowing about it 

Solar power is clean energy that is either produced from direct sunlight or using the heat from the sun. Having solar electricity in your home usually means setting up a solar PV panel system on your roof.

Solar energy is a sustainable free source of energy that is feasible and absolutely boundless, unlike fossil fuels which are limited. It is also a non-polluting source of energy, and it does not emit any ozone depleting substances when producing electricity.

All countries are now using this technology for a sustainable energy source to power their nation. UAE has always been a pioneer in adapting the latest technology and contribute the best to it's people and the rest of the world. Recently, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, gave the green light to start the world's largest investment in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project that will provide clean energy to 270,000 homes  in Dubai. (view the news)

There is an upcoming even "Dubai Solar Show" under the direction of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. This event starts on 23rd October, 2019 and ends on 25th October, 2019  at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. A pursuit to bring latest solar innovations to the region and become a unique platform for knowledge-sharing and building partnerships with all government and private sectors in pursuing innovative solutions while sporting Dubai’s transformation into the smartest city in the world. Here is the link:

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, launched the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, to make Dubai a global centre of clean energy and green economy. Read More about the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050

Not only large corporation and government projects, even common man has the access to the solar power and can contribute to the world by going for sustainable energy source and lessening their carbon footprint. Installing solar panels on their rooftops / premises are the simplest way households to use sustainable electricity. And here are 5 things that you should know about it. 

How much is the possibility to install Solar Panels in your Home?

On chance that you possess a separate family house with a rooftop that is in great condition and receives sunlight, then your house is good enough for a solar panel power system. While a completely exposed rooftop is perfect, houses in cloudy or somewhat shaded regions can also profit by solar panels.

For those homes that are prepared for harvesting solar energy, Solar panels offers more noteworthy adaptability based on various needs.

How many numbers of solar panels do I have to power my home?

The appropriate response relies upon your family electricity use, your local climate, and the space accessible on your rooftop.

What are the pros and cons of solar panels

Here are some non technical general pros and cons of using solar panels


* Abundant energy source
* Sustainable and non emmission energy production.
* Easy availability
* Easy maintanence

* Expensive
* Space consuming
* Unreliable during times
* Pollution during manufacturing

Different types of solar systems and products, and where to buy?

Monocrystalline module:

Monocrystalline panels as the name proposes are made from a single continuous crystalline structure. A Monocrystalline panel can be distinguished from the sunlight based cells which all show up as a single flat color. This is the expensive type of solar panel, but a bit more efficient in power production.

Multicrystalline module:

Multicrystalline or Polycrystalline solar panels are comprised of multiple crystalline cells. Rather than experiencing the slow and costly procedure of making a single crystalline structure, manufacturers basically put a crystal seed in a cast of hot liquid silicon and leave it to cool. This is the less expensive and popular solar panel that can be manufactured with ease.

Applications of Solar Panels:

Home Solar Panel - Roof top installation

Installing PV solar panel on your root not only reduces the electricity charges, you can even dispose of it totally and be energy independent. Further, you can make use of the rebates and tax exemption for using Solar panels in your roof.

Solar Thermal Panels are used to heat water. We, on an average, are using 18% of electricity just for heating water. These solar thermal panels are conventional as they take lesser space than solar PV panels. Very nearly 80% of sun's radiation is transformed into electricity.

Solar street lights decreases operating costs than standard road light. It's extremely easy to use and it doesn't generally require a power source wire associated with it. We can even install it in remote regions where power grid isn't accessible.

Solar Cars

Solar powered cars are eco-accommodating and quiet. Built with aluminum and lightweight components solar-powered cars run faster and more smoothly than petrol and diesel engine vehicle. Although it has certain limitations, it has it's own set of fans and popular in a way.

Solar Air Conditioner

Air conditioners (A/C) consumes lot of electricity to keep our home / office in the right temperatures. By using the sustainable source to power the air conditioner, we are doing a lot to our environment. 

Solar powered Satellite

Solar panels, for the most part used to run the sensors, dynamic warming/cooling and telemetry. Furthermore significantly used for solar-electric propulsion. Now with the thin-film photovoltaic cells technology we can lessen the spacecraft mass and performance.

Solar Gadgets

Solar Panel technology is very popular that even many gadgets are adapting and utilizing it to collect as much sun light as possible. Some work 100% on solar generated power and some uses it along with a backup power option. Solar panels advancement reaches every household with small and affordable solar gadgets like these.

Solar Garden Lights

We love to decorate our garden with lights, may it be for events or for improving landscaping. There are special solar light just for this need. These garden lights are solar powered and require virtually no installation. Simply push the post into the ground and you are set for enjoying the lighting in your garden.

Solar Portable Products

The increase in popularity of travelling and adventure, Solar portable products are always in demand. There are some unique solar products just for the needs of travelers: trekking and camping. Solar lanterns and solar mobile phone power banks are the most popular items for them. There is no other sustainable products to replace these items.

If you like to buy Solar Panels, Solar Water Heater and other products in UAE, here is a list of Company's contacts details. Just a call is what you need to to change to sustainable and environmentally friendlier energy Source.
Muhammed Alfaz :
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